From 1988 until he started his own firm in 1999, Alberto Jauregui worked as Director of the Architecture Department for some of the largest volume builder companies in the country. This inside experience places Alberto Jauregui Designs, Inc. in a unique position of understanding the common needs and challenges that most production builders encounter. We are always honored and proud each time our clients choose our designs to be models home for their communities.

Design Synergy

We work with builders in a concerted effort to materialize their vision. It is our goal to create a sustainable competitive advantage for them. We combine our design skills and our clients’ knowledge of their markets to create plans with a wide range of market proven options. These interactive option combinations can make one single master plan perform the function of multiple ones, resulting in fewer plans to maintain.

Unique Ability and Expediency

With the help of our in-house programmer we have developed an unparalleled system of plan production capable of providing high volume services. By actually drawing the total combination of all options within our master plans, there are never surprise conditions when it comes to the production of address specific plans. Thus, address-specific working drawings are delivered within 48 hours, regardless of the number of options chosen.


We customize working drawings according to the builder’s format, conventions and standards. Our objective is to create plans tailored to each client’s specific needs.


Our advanced systems of communication allow us to work with our clients nationwide. Video conferencing and screen-sharing technologies facilitate conducting meetings, presentations and collaborating in the creative process.